28 February 2009

Getting back on Facebook

I used to have Facebook...I never checked it. I didn't give gifts, write on people's walls, or upload photo albums. I'm not supposed to be on Facebook at work, and believe it or not I follow that rule (I imagine there being some lowly state employee in a dark room who's only job is to spy on people's screens and rat on them when they're doing things they're not supposed to be). I closed my account because I was afraid that someday someone was going to send me a very important message only via Facebook, and I would not get it for three months or something outrageous like that. However, I came to the conclusion yesterday that I'm going to have to get back on. You heard it Matt and Jae Webb, I'm getting back on Facebook! There are a lot of people I have not kept the best contact with, and when we're in Australia I'd like to have another avenue through which I can continue to communicate with friends and family. I guess the point of this entry is really just to tell you to find me and invite me to be your friend, because I'm comin' back!

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