21 March 2010

The past week and a half

Sitting down to blog has been harder and harder to do lately. I've been busy, but when I look back I don't really know what it is that has been keeping me busy! I'm sure it's been a little of this and a little of that, just like everyone else in this world.
Our team has been pretty good about getting together to work on fund raising, Bible study, and other really important things...but not so good at just spending time together. For those of you who don't know Gregory, he's a big time movie fan. Big time might actually be an understatement! He saw Alice in Wonderland about a month ago and said that we had to see it. So much so in fact that he wanted us to all go and see it together, even though he had seen it once already. After much debate as to whether or not we should see it in 3D (Matt and I were adamant to not spend $50 at the movies just to see 3D) we decided to go see it two Thursdays ago (not in 3D. This majority rules thing is pretty rough when there are only three people on a team!) The movie was amazing, although so very different than the Disney cartoon that I can still remember vividly in my imagination. I look forward to seeing many more movies together with Matt and Gregory. And we even agreed that we'd see Clash of the Titans in 3D. :)
Throughout the week before last I felt like God was telling me he wanted our team to do the labyrinth at ACU together. We were all running around like chickens with our heads cut off, and we needed some time to just experience the quiet presence of God and reflect on life. I thought I'd written about the labyrinth before...but I looked back and could not find anything in my previous posts. For more info on the labyrinth at ACU, visit:
http://www.acu.edu/news/2009/090108_labyrinth.html. I love the labyrinth, it kind of transports me into another world. Along the path words were listed that we could reflect on and pray about. Two of the words that stuck out to me were transition and transformation. Our team is experiencing a lot of both of those, and needs a lot more of each at the same time. In the middle of the labyrinth is this verse from Jeremiah, "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls". Man, is that not amazing! I close my eyes and am automatically transported to a cross in the road. One way leads to a path covered in trees with a well worn place to walk. It looks old, but peaceful. It intrigues me, and I imagine there is much adventure to be had as I travel down it. All of the other ways are either dark or empty, lacking so much. The pathway of God is not always an easy one to travel, but rest for our souls is promised when we choose it over all others. After we did the labyrinth together we got coffee and talked about what we thought as we went through the labyrinth. I am blessed to be part of a team where everyone has such different views and ideas to contribute!
We mailed
off Matt's citizenship application two Mondays ago, and I noticed in the bank account this week that the application check was cashed. That is a very good sign, because we think that we read somewhere if the application was obviously not going to go through then they would send the check back, which they didn't! We look forward to having that process completed.
We still continue to seek financial support (do I sound like a broken record?), so I spent yesterday trying to find churches in Texas at which we know people. I contacted two churches and contacted friends about two other churches yesterday, so we are in prayer that we can build relationships with those four congregations that will be beneficial. Other than that, we're cleaning up the house in preparation for the work week ahead!

06 March 2010

So close, and yet so far

I have not felt much of an urge to write lately, partly because I do not feel that anything life altering has changed with our status in the past few weeks. However, to believe that would be to believe a lie. This won't be the most exciting of updates, but it will be informative!
I have to make A LOT of certified copies for my spouse visa application. Unlike my dear friends who are moving to Chile, I have to have my visa approved before I can get to Australia (you know I love you Conce team!) I have to have copies of Matt's income from the past two years, items showing that we pay bills together, live together, own things together, copy of our marriage license, copy of my birth certificate, copy of statements verifying our relationship...the list goes on and on. I've had all the originals for a while, but had not had them notarized as certified copies yet. By the way, if you have to have certified copies of documents made, a notary can do it. You have to get notarized copies of your marriage license and birth certificate ("recordable documents", there are a few more on the list) done where you get the originals (like the county courthouse), but everything else can be taken to a notary public. There is a specific statement they write on copies, it is different to just being witness to a signature. Anyway, so I did that. Matt and I also got more passport photos made, because I need some for my visa app and Matt needs some for his citizenship app. That was over $50 by the way...getting four of each kind of stinks!
Matt and I have both been pretty discouraged by our fundraising status. We know the money we need will come from who it's meant to when it's meant to, but the waiting is wrapping us up in this fog that makes it hard to see the future (or the present for that matter) clearly. We just pray and keep trying! God is so good though, last Thursday I woke up feeling very distracted in my heart and mind about fundraising. I got to work and could not get my mind off it. Throughout the day God either trickled down one time monetary gifts or leads for possible relationships via our brothers and sisters in Christ. I think being ridiculously discouraged is a great place to be; it helps me notice more clearly when good things are happening because they seem so out of the ordinary!
Last night I drove up to Dallas so that I could go to the North Texas Irish Festival today. I spent the night with my mom, which was great. We got to go out for breakfast this morning and catch up. She is one of the most encouraging people in my life when it comes to moving to Australia to share the love of Jesus with people, and that means the world to me.
By the way, the festival was fantastic!