15 March 2011

Forgive my inability to embed a video properly...good thing there's nothing to watch on the video!

"Soaking" is not a concept I'm super familiar with, but I know that if I want to find some really good meditative music that brings me near to God then I can count on soaking room music. I hope you enjoyed the video, and hope that it encouraged you.
I think that it is vital to remind ourselves of how God views us. Too many people in our lives are disappointed in us, frustrated with us, or just take advantage of us. God, however, made us in His image, so His view of us is much different. Yet, I see one slight problem with living a life that is solely focused on how God views me. If all I ever think about is how much God loves me, then I lose sight of how much he loves those around me. God is not surrounding me with love, patience, and mercy just for my sake. He's teaching me, through His actions toward me, how to do the same to others. Who better to learn from how to treat people than the one who treats me better than anyone I know? Just a thought.

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