12 May 2010

Passion made real

Caution, the following article might not be suitable for all readers. I found it disturbing.


Most of you know that I do martial arts. It is a passion of mine. It is working itself out into a much bigger passion as we prepare to move to Australia. I have been doing much praying about the idea of my job in Ipswich being to teach women's kickboxing and self defense classes. I greatly desire to see teen girls and women, especially those who have been hurt sexually and emotionally, transformed into confident women who believe in a God who gives them a new beginning, a renewed strength, and a greater sense of who they are. In a perfect world, I imagine myself teaching a few classes a week at a rec center somewhere and then going into schools and working through crisis centers to do seminars.
You can imagine that when I read the above article, I was sick. I won't lie, I wanted to do things to this man that a Christian woman does not do! However, my call is not to hurt those who hurt the ones I want to help. My call is to love those have been hurt (and those who have hurt them...that's the hardest part) and let God's vengeance be worked out on those who do wrong to the innocent. I'm glad it's his job, because I act out much too irrationally sometimes!
I am grateful for this online newspaper that gives me
glimpses of life in Ipswich, because it makes my purpose real. I can imagine these girls coming to me after a traumatic incident and hearing about a loving God who won't take advantage of them, or judge them because of things that happened in their past.
For those of you who have a hard time getting why we want to go to a place like Ipswich, please remember after reading this article that Satan works in developed countries just as much as underdeveloped ones. God also redeems people in both.

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