05 January 2009

What is the image of God?

I was thinking over the weekend about sharing the Gospel with teens, thinking about what would really relate to them. I thought about how Jesus is like that one kid in school who seems to see the good in everyone, he befriends all the students and doesn't put up with bullies. Don't ask me how, but thinking about this led my mind to wandering and wondering about the image of God.
I look at people all around me and see nothing but differences: race, sex, size, you name it. However, we're all made in the image of God. He said it himself when he made us. So then what's this image look like? You can't say it's a body part, a color, or an intelligence level. I'm sure there's some good exegetical answer, but I don't really have one. I have my own ideas, but I guess this is just more of a question than an Bible lesson.
Okay, back to Jesus being that one kid in school who accepts everyone. When Jesus came to the earth he lived to remind (mainly teach) us that we are all made in the image of God. He showed people that they were all welcome in the presence of God. Just look at Mark 14, who was he eating with? It's truly amazing how Jesus found it easy to include so many, but all we manage to do is draw barriers that people find it impossible to cross.

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